2018 DCS BFM Hornet Cup
Division: open - Start Date: - Elimination: Single loss - Bracket Size: 16/16 - Status: Complete
Best of 3 rounds � Finale best of 5 rounds
Configuration � clean (guns only)
fuel � 70% � fuel dumping allowed
map � over sea � airborne start 3000m at 750IAS 50km apart
Fuel dumping is allowed
leaving the bubble will result in an automatic loss
Landing on the carrier after neutralizing your opponent is a must. The carrier will be exactly at the center of the bubble.
Landing on the carrier is not needed to collect the round if the carrier is damaged by either players to the point where landing becomes impossible
weather clear and sunny
Once fight is on, fly towards your opponent, its ok to have a slight aspect and to change speed and altitude but flying away before first merge is forbidden
Firing before first merge is not allowed
If the hosting server crashes before a winner is declared, the round will have to be restarted.
If a client disconnects upon or after the first merge, it will count as a loss. if a client disconnects before the first merge, the round shall be restarted
Only one client-side disconnection per participant is eligible for a round restart; any further disconnection will count as a loss regardless of when it happened.
External views will be off and all settings set to Simulation mode
Print screening is forbidden
track files must be submitted if asked for
Players can swap sides after each round
Mission file will be published asap for training purposes