The Dojo

DCS Cold War 1v1 BFM

Everything I had ever learned about air fighting taught me that the man who
is aggressive, who pushes a fight, is the pilot who is successful in combat and
who has the best opportunity for surviving battle and coming home.

— Major Robert S. Johnson, USAAF

Rating Evolution For Current Top 10 Pilots

Tip! Toggle on/off pilot name or color code for easy spotting
# Callsign Rating Tier Streak Games Played Win percentage K/D Ratio Last Fight
Logan54 1681 1 1 16 69% 1.7 Defeated Contact Light
[BFG] Gruntlife03 1666 1 4 5 80% 2.4 Lost by walkover to [BFG] RaptorDa
[BFG] RaptorDad86 1665 1 4 5 80% 2.17 Lost by walkover to [BFG] Gruntlif
Contact Light 1615 1 1 16 56% 1.46 Defeated 102TH Waves 1.
102TH Waves 1.1 Fred 1403 1 -17 17 0% 0.04 Lost to Contact Light