The Dojo

DCS World War II 1v1 BFM

I’d hate to see an epitaph on a fighter pilot’s tombstone that says, “I told you I
needed training.” . . . How do you train for the most dangerous game in the
world by being as safe as possible? When you don’t let a guy train because it’s
dangerous, you’re saying, “Go fight those lions with your bare hands in that
arena, because we can’t teach you to learn how to use a spear. If we do, you
might cut your finger while you’re learning.” And that’s just about the same
as murder.

— Colonel “Boots” Boothby, USAF Fighter Pilot

Rating Evolution For Current Top 10 Pilots

Tip! Toggle on/off pilot name or color code for easy spotting
# Callsign Rating Tier Streak Games Played Win percentage K/D Ratio Last Fight
Logan54 1585 1 -1 1 0% 0.67 Lost to