After losing to Epyon 3 times in the past, CenterMass looks to have shaken the rust off after winning their last encounter in 3 straight rounds and is now eyeing Phil for the runner up spot in the Modern Jets 1v1 guns only ladder.
In the F/A-18 1v1 guns only competition, Rex, as a new comer got past Burger and Phil 5:0 and 4:1 respectively and is now on collision course with the leader B3rNO. Rex has however not made his challenge for the top spot official yet.
To protect ladder leaders who do not get challenged at all during the active period from losing SA points, a new rule has been added to grant them ranking points in this situation. The amount of SA points will be the same as the highest scoring player in the active period.
Without this rule, players leading ladders could be sitting there earning no points because nobody challenged them while other players below are scoring SA points, which is of course unfair due to the fact that leaders can not challenge anyone.
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