Posted on: July 19, 2024 Posted by: SA Staff Comments: 0


After winning the Modern league this season, @[BFG] Gruntlife03 doubles down by collecting the Cold War title as well and in style as he becomes the first player to ever do it in the Mirage F1, ending the domination of the popular F-5!
In second place and just ONE point behind in the pilot ratings, @[BFG] RaptorDad86 showed a solid performance in the Mig-19 winning all his fights but one against Gruntlife, which turned out to be the tie breaker between the two BFG pilots.
It is good to see the Cold War league getting more attention and hopefully more will try their hands at it in the coming seasons.


Season Final Standing Nationality & Callsign Squadron Ranking Points Earned Division Breakdown
1 [BFG] Gruntlife03Bushido Fighter Group123black Belt
70 points for a 1st Place finish
+ 75% as bonus for playing 5 league matches.
2 [BFG] RaptorDad86Bushido Fighter Group98black Belt
56 points for a 2nd Place finish
+ 75% as bonus for playing 5 league matches.
3 Logan54Lone Wolf84black Belt
42 points for a 4th Place finish
+ 100% as bonus for playing 6 league matches.
4 Contact LightLone Wolf49black Belt
28 points for a 3rd Place finish
+ 75% as bonus for playing 5 league matches.
5 102TH Waves 1.1 FredLone Wolf37brown Belt
21 points for a 5th Place finish
+ 75% as bonus for playing 5 league matches.

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